Archive for the 'Vectrex' Category

P1X3l-Pushr (Vectrex) Improved

screenshotChristopher Tumber tweaked the code a lot. Now it’s running at 48 fps (instead of the 25 before). Now it’s playable on a real Vectrex (I didn’t had one when I wrote it). The source with all the improvements is included.

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MuCaREX – Multi Cartridge for Vectrex

The MuCaREX is an Multi Cartridge for Vectrex. Quick specs: 1 MiB Flash, 32 KiB RAM, supports multiple cartridges.

(Prototype – Board V0.9)

I’ve just released everything required to build your own one:

New Vectrex Game: P1X3L-pushr

screenshotIt took some while but here is the new Vectrex game “P1X3L-pushr”, which is a remake of our own C64 game. The game was created for the Coding Compo at the DoReCo-Party 2013. Sorry that it took that long to make it public.

This is our first Vectrex release and my first steps on the 6809, which seems a great processor.

The archive includes not only the rom file but also the full source – have fun with it!

Continue reading ‘New Vectrex Game: P1X3L-pushr’