** ncurses1.php written 2003 by ALeX Kazik
** feel free to use this code
** Version: 1.0 (2003-06-19)
/* start me with "allkeys" as arument to use all keys to exit */
// read this file as text
$text = file($_SERVER['PATH_TRANSLATED']);
// strip off any whitespaces (space, newline, ...) at the end of line
// and replace tabs by 4 spaces
foreach($text AS $k=>$v)
if(preg_match('/^(.*?)\s*$/', strtr($v, array("\t" => ' ')), $r))
$text[$k] = $r[1];
// question
$question = array(
' This is an more complex example for ncurses',
' Use the arrow keys to scroll / ESC or Q to exit '
// keys to exit
if(($argc >= 2) && ($argv[1] == 'allkeys'))
$keys = TRUE;
$keys = array(27, ord('q'), ord('Q')); // 27 == ESCAPE
// init ncurses
// display text, and ask...
$char = ncurses_show_text('ncurses example', $text, $question, $keys);
// end ncurses
// the end...
echo 'You\'ve pressed character number '.$char.' = 0x'.sprintf('%02x', $char);
if(($char < 256) && ($char != 127) && (($char & 0x7f) >= 0x20))
echo ' = "'.chr($char).'"';
echo "\n";
** ncurses_show_text($title, $text, $question, $keys=TRUE)
** $title = string to display in above the upper window
** $text = array of strings to display in the upper window
** (scrollable)
** text text MUST NOT contain any tab, newline, linefeed
** or any other control character
** $question = array of strings to display in the lower window
** $keys = array of keys to exit (may override scrolling)
** or true to accept all keys (except scrolling)
** return = the pressed key
** characters above 255 are special keys (F1, DEL, ...)
function ncurses_show_text($title, $text, $question, $keys=TRUE){
// prepare text
$textH = count($text);
$textW = 1;
$textLEN = array();
for($i=0; $i<$textH; $i++){
$textLEN[$i] = strlen($text[$i]);
if($textLEN[$i] > $textW)
$textW = $textLEN[$i];
// create text pad (invisible window)
$textWIN = ncurses_newpad($textH, $textW);
// fill it with text
for($i=0; $i<$textH; $i++)
ncurses_mvwaddstr($textWIN, $i, 0, $text[$i]);
// prepare question
$questionH = count($question);
$questionLastW = strlen($question[$questionH-1]);
// initialize...
$posX = $posY = 0;
$screenH = $screenW = 0;
// loop around...
// get actual screen size
$oldH = $screenH;
$oldW = $screenW;
ncurses_getmaxyx(STDSCR, $screenH, $screenW);
// something changed?
if(($screenH != $oldH) || ($screenW != $oldW)){
if($oldH > 0){
$upperWIN = ncurses_newwin($screenH-(2+$questionH), $screenW, 0, 0);
$lowerWIN = ncurses_newwin(2+$questionH, $screenW, $screenH-(2+$questionH), 0);
$upperH = $screenH-(4+$questionH);
$upperW = $screenW-2;
$copyH = ($upperH > $textH) ? $textH : $upperH;
$copyW = ($upperW > $textW) ? $textW : $upperW;
// border lower window
ncurses_wborder($lowerWIN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// print text in lower window
for($i=0; $i < $questionH; $i++)
ncurses_mvwaddstr($lowerWIN, $i+1, 1, $question[$i]);
// check and fix positions
if($posY < 0 || $upperH >= $textH)
$posY = 0;
else if(($upperH + $posY) > $textH)
$posY = $textH - $upperH;
if($posX < 0 || $upperW >= $textW)
$posX = 0;
else if(($upperW + $posX) > $textW)
$posX = $textW - $upperW;
// border upper window
ncurses_wborder($upperWIN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
// draw title and info line
ncurses_wattron($upperWIN, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, 0, 2,' '.$title.' ');
if($upperH < $textH)
ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, $upperH+1, 2, ' line '.($posY+1).'-'.($posY+$copyH).'/'.$textH.' ');
ncurses_wattroff($upperWIN, NCURSES_A_REVERSE);
// draw < and > at left/right side when horizontal scrolling is nesseccary
if($upperW < $textW){
for($i=0; $i<$copyH; $i++){
if($textLEN[$i+$posY] > $copyW+$posX)
ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, $i+1, $screenW-1, '>');
if($posX > 0 && $textLEN[$i+$posY] > 0)
ncurses_mvwaddstr($upperWIN, $i+1, 0, '<');
// draw upper window
// copy a part of the text (pad) to the screen
ncurses_prefresh($textWIN, $posY, $posX, 1, 1, $upperH, $upperW);
// move cursor to end of last line of question
ncurses_wmove($lowerWIN, $questionH, $questionLastW+1);
// draw lower window
// get a character and do...
$char = ncurses_getch();
if(is_array($keys) && (array_search($char, $keys) !== FALSE))
else if($char == NCURSES_KEY_UP)
else if($char == NCURSES_KEY_DOWN)
else if($char == NCURSES_KEY_LEFT)
else if($char == NCURSES_KEY_RIGHT)
else if($char == NCURSES_KEY_PPAGE)
$posY -= $copyH-1;
else if($char == NCURSES_KEY_NPAGE)
$posY += $copyH-1;
else if($char == 362) // HOME
$posX = 0;
else if($char == 385) // END
$posX = 99999;
else if(($char == 410) || ($char == -1)){
// these "characters" are pressed on resizing
}else if($keys === TRUE)
} //end loop
// free all resources
// return the pressed character
return $char;
} // end function
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